Brigitte Colleaux |Brigitte Colleaux – Art in Clay
Brigitte Colleaux

Brigitte Colleaux

I make tableware decorated with wood-ash glazes. I keep my forms simple to give the glazes a voice.

Glazes are what excites me the most in my work. I test for the sake of it, often with no objective in mind; there are no borders, you become an explorer, an adventurer. Every new source of ash is a playing field where I get to find new exciting games.

I also try to incorporate slate in my glazes as it is close to my heart, the Ardennes region, my birthplace, being famous for its blue slate. I am very proud to be able to trace my slate back to Rimogne, an ‘ardennais’ village well known for its slate mines. It is prepared from ground shales by “Le Moulin à Couleurs”, the last traditional manufacturer of colouring pigments and oxides in France.

  • Date 25th May 2017
  • Tags 2017 Exhibitors