Juliet Gorman |Juliet Gorman – Art in Clay
Juliet Gorman

Juliet Gorman

My hands have been in clay many years – a very sobering thought. The real passion, however, only really showed itself when I was introduced to the smoke-firing technique in 1994.  Over the years I have concentrated on experimenting and developing my own style of smoke-fired ceramics, trying to keep an honest association with the roots of the process. Throughout the procedure I am constantly amazed at how subtle changes occur as the clay begins to start dictating the final outcome. The excitement and unpredictability of the whole process is so fascinating and exhilarating.

I suppose it is only natural that my work emulates my African origins, which given the technique, is appropriate in so many ways.  Most of the pieces are based on my own photographs taken during visits to Africa and from memories and research. The challenge of each piece is to find the right shape and colour, to assist the smoke in creating a unique piece of work.  I continue to enjoy experimenting and pushing out the boundaries of this technique and realise that there is so much more to learn. Oh for more time!


  • Date 25th May 2017
  • Tags 2017 Exhibitors