Kent Potters Association |Kent Potters Association – Art in Clay
Kent Potters Association

Kent Potters Association

The Kent Potters Association was formed in 1974, and includes professionals, amateurs, teachers and students. Our monthly meetings cover discussions, visits to museums, lectures, workshops and demonstrations, often by internationally known potters. Our aim is to promote good craftsmanship, to encourage mutual co-operation and to exchange ideas and experiences in tackling pottery problems.

Whilst membership is open to anyone with an interest in pottery, work for exhibitions is by selection. We exhibit regularly throughout the county. In recent years we have also participated in events such as the Art In Clay festival at Hatfield House and Ceramics South East at Farnham, Surrey.

A newsletter is circulated by post to members bi-monthly giving details of future events, other exhibitions, notes from demonstrations or lectures, potters’ tips and items wanted, or for sale. Some of the articles from past copies of the newsletter can be seen in the news and articles section.

  • Date 26th May 2017
  • Tags 2017 Exhibitors