The Nordic Tent – Cultural Connections |The Nordic Tent – Cultural Connections – Art in Clay
The Nordic Tent – Cultural Connections

The Nordic Tent – Cultural Connections

THE NORDIC TENT will again this year present influential 20th century ceramicists like GUTTE ERIKSEN  in preparation of her 100 anniversary next year – as well as INGER ROKKJAER and a mixed selection of Nordic vintage ceramics, examples from the Gallery’s panel of exhibited artists over the years, and new work by CHRISTIAN BRUUN, a leading Danish international ceramicist who has exhibited with Cultural Connections CC in previous years, as well as attending contemporary ceramicists from the Nordic Countries both new and returning:

DORTE VISBY (Denmark) -LAILA STENDERUP (Denmark) – AILA SIMPSON (Finland) and SIMON KOFOED (Denmark)

Simon exhibiting  for the first  time with Cultural Connections CC with his beautiful and delicate translucent vessels inspired by plants from  Sea and Land.

Several of the artists have over the years participated in Cultural Connections CC Gallery’s international exhibitions, such as COLLECT LONDON at The Saatchi Gallery as well as SOFA NEW YORK & CHICAGO thus building up an international reputation in the footsteps of other internationally well-known Nordic artists.

This year THE NORDIC TENT will continue the concept: GUEST OF THE DANES, which will be a bit nearer to home, with ROBERT HUNTER – inspired in form and glazes by his natural surroundings in stunning Aberdeenshire – after its successful reintroduction last year with the very successful showing of the Japanese potter YUTYA SEGAWA.

CULTURAL CONNECTIONS CC GALLERY IS THE ONLY Danish run Gallery permanently placed in the UK since 1998, promoting top Danish contemporary ceramics as well as Nordic Applied Arts.


  • Date 25th May 2017
  • Tags 2017 Exhibitors