Midori Takaki |Midori Takaki – Art in Clay
Midori Takaki

Midori Takaki

When I was a child in Japan I thought I would become a writer. My head was a full of imagination, memories, feelings, thoughts and stories. Once a while, they overtook my daily life. It wasn’t always easy for a child to live in the real world and my own world at the same time.  Especially as all my imagination, memories etc. just float around in my head, like clouds in the sky. I didn’t know what to do with them.

Now I capture the floating thoughts in ceramics. Once they were given shapes, they become grounded. I create something small almost daily at night. I call them my journal. I am writing in ceramics. By doing that, I file the information, which is, otherwise, difficult to classify, in drawers in my brain. I could bring every nuance and detail of my memories, stories, emotion and thoughts, back to life vividly when I see each sculpture.


  • Date 26th May 2017
  • Tags 2017 Exhibitors